What types of business insurance do grocery stores need?

These policies provide coverage for the most common risks facing grocers.

Business owner’s policy

This policy bundles commercial property and general liability insurance in one plan. A BOP is often the most cost-effective type of commercial insurance for grocery stores.


  • Customer injuries

  • Damaged or stolen items

  • Business interruption incidents

General liability insurance

This policy covers common grocer risks, including accidents involving shoppers. Bundle with property insurance for savings in a business owner's policy.


  • Slip-and-fall accidents

  • Damaged customer property

  • Libel or slander lawsuits

Workers’ compensation insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is required in almost every state for grocery stores that have employees. It can cover medical costs for work-related injuries.


  • Employee medical expenses

  • Partial missed wages

  • Lawsuits over employee injuries

Umbrella / excess liability insurance

Once a grocery store reaches its policy limit, umbrella insurance (or excess liability insurance) boosts coverage on general liability or employer's liability policies.


  • Customer injury lawsuits

  • Customer property damage lawsuits

  • Employee injury lawsuits

How much does insurance cost for retail businesses?

  • Several factors will have an impact on insurance costs, including:

  • Why do grocery stores need insurance?

  • Business equipment and property

  • Revenue

  • Location

  • Number of employees

Why do grocery stores need insurance?

Running a grocery store comes with liability and property risks, from damaged inventory to theft and workers' comp claims. Insurance for a grocery or general store can protect against unexpected events and ensure that you don't have to sacrifice everything to pay for a lawsuit or other loss.